MI celebrates 40th birthday, hints on a new musical project


Nigerian rapper, Jude Abaga known as MI has celebrated clocking 40 yesterday.

Posting on his Instagram, he said he is thankful for how far he has come and recognizes the people around him who have not given up on him

He posted some throwback pictures of himself while mentioning on his next single titled ”Anointed’ which he says will drop by 2022

He posted: Today I cross a personally joyful milestone: From henceforth, (the adages promise) life will begin.

“Without knowing it, that was my recent process to arrive here at this moment today. Shedding the old, and making way for the new

“I’m grateful for the walk here. I look around, locking eyes with all you who have refused to leave, adamant that I am worth the ride.

“And you are not wrong; but I am worth it because of you. If, for the road ahead, I can count on you.. then my friends… let us forge ahead!! Bring it on.. let life begin!!!

#MIat40 #StillIncredib @woulker x @badmantej”.