Anti-UN Protests: 15 people reportedly killed in Eastern DRC


The UN spokesperson and the Congolese government that three members of the MONUSCO mission and at least 12 protesters were killed in two cities of the North Kivu province, adding up to 15 people.

The protesters have been gathering in various cities of Eastern DRC stating that they want the UN’s mission in the region to end and the peacekeepers to leave, claiming they haven’t been able to counter armed groups.

A protester in Goma, Mugisho Muhindo said: “The MONUSCO has been here in DRC for over 20 years, but there is no peace in North Kivu, no peace in the East, how can you explain the M23 rebel group has more powerful weapons than MONUSCO.”

On Tuesday, hundreds of protesters had surrounded UN’s logistics base in Goma and attacked the mission’s transit camp outside the city centre.

UN spokesperson said that the situation was still tense and a backup would be sent.