Nigeria: Power generation drops to 2,200MW


Power generation in Nigeria reportedly dropped to 2,200MW from 3,553MW at about 2pm on Tuesday.

Only 10 out of 24 power plants generated the 2,200MW, and this represented a 35.26% decrease in the energy production of the Nigeria’s Electricity Supply Industry (NESI).

In the document titled: “List of GenCos and their MW Load at 14:00hours on 17/01/2023” and released by the Independent System Operator of the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), the 10 power plants were identified as Alaoji NIPP (Gas) 102.40MW, Azura-Edo (Gas) 422MW, Jebba (Hydro) 369MW, Kainji (Hydro) 390MW, Odukpanu NIPP (Gas) 307MW, Okpai Gas (Steam) 101MW, Omotosho (Gas)164.60MW, Omotosho NIPP (Gas) 101MW, Paras Energy (Gas) 65.80MW and Sapele (Steam) 85.80MW.

In another document titled: “Distribution Load Profile: Data as of 17/01/2023 @14:46:00,” the SO stated that it allocated 2,888MW to the 11 electricity distribution companies (DisCos).

The allocation is as follows: Abuja DisCo 389MW, Benin DisCo 237MW, Eko DisCo 371MW, Enugu DisCo 277MW, Ibadan DisCo 349MW, Ikeja DisCo 409MW, Jos 166MW, Kaduna DisCo 193MW, Kano 205MW, Port Harcourt 209MW and Yola 83MW.