England’s Sir Geoff Hurst, first World Cup final hattrick scorer greets Mbappe


Sir Geof Hurst scored the first World Cup hattrick in the 1966 final.

The first player to score a hattrick in a World Cup final match, Sir Geoff Hurst has congratulated France’ Kylian Mbappe who on Sunday scored a hattrick in the initial 3-3 draw with Argentina at the 2022 World Cup final match.

Before his feat, it was 56 years ago that Geof Hurst scored three goals for England in a 4-2 defeat of West Germany.

Husrst, now aged 81 took to his twitter handle to congratulate the Frenchman.

“Many congratulations to Mbappe, whatever happens. I have had a great run!”, he tweeted shortly after Sunday’s final match